It's good. I can see some potential for a "real-time" RPG battle system here.
My suggestions:
- With proper timing, you can use the attack function to act as a dodge. This renders the dodge function not "useless", but definitely not as needed. I would look into a rock-paper-scissors type mechanic which would make one have to use a bit more skill to beat an enemy. For example - if both enemies attack, then nullify the damage to either party.
Or, for further depth, let's say the enemy shot his "fireball" attack and I pressed the attack button [which makes me run toward the enemy]. The fireball should hit me as I go to it, thus nullifying my attack. In short, "stronger" attack wins over "weaker" attack.
Fire Emblem has the triangle system [Sword beats Axe, Axe beats Lance, Lance beats Sword, etc.]. Perhaps play around with an idea like that - Fireball beats Attack, Enemy's Regular Attack nullifies Attack, etc.
- An option to map functions to the keyboard. Quicker reaction time in pressing two keys than moving a mouse up and down between options.
Good deal, keep on making games!